Ingredients for 2 people (Zutaten für 2 Personen):
0,5x Onions (Zwiebeln) - anyanisi
0,5x Green Pepper (Grüne Paprika)
2x Green Chillis (Grüne Chilli) - upelepele
750g package Wors (grobe Wurst) - ivosi
1 can of baked beans (1 Dose Bohnen) - ithini likabhotshisi
5x Carrots (Karotten) - ukherothi
2 Tablespoons Chilli Powder (2 Teelöffel Chillipulver) - ukhari
1x Stew Cubes (Brühwürfel)
Salt (Salz) - usawoti
2 Cups Mielie-Meal (500g Maisbrei) impuphu
4 Cups boiling Water (1l kochendes Wasser) - amanzi abilayo
This is how you cook a fine Zulu Meal:
Start with the Mielie-Meal, you boil water first then add a pinch of salt. Mix the mielie-meal with two cups of cold water and afterwards put the mixture
in boiling water and stir for a three minutes and then let it boil on lower temperature.
Chop all the vegetables and grate the carrots first. Put oil in a pan add the onions, pepper, chillis and curry powder. Fry until golden brown then add the carrots, stir until it is a smooth mixture. Add the baked beans and the stew cube and then mix it together. Readyyy.
Just fry it in a pan until done.
*** Thank You Precious ***
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Enjoy your Meal! |
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